Is Elfa Worth the Investment?

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Let us preface this blog by saying this is not a paid advertisement by The Container Store, we do not benefit financially in any way with our love and devotion of their closet system, Elfa. This blog post is simply based on our many years of experience in working with Elfa products and installing it in many different environments. There’s a 30% off sale going on right now, so take advantage of it while you can!

Now that that’s out of the way…you’re probably wondering, is Elfa worth the investment!? We’re here to tell you why we think it is. Before we get started, we’ll say that if you’ve ever lived in an environment where you’ve felt you haven’t had enough closet or storage space or that what you have doesn’t suit your needs, then this blog is for you.

Modular System

One of the benefits of Elfa is that it’s modular. What does this mean? When your needs change for the space, you can easily swap out the components that no longer apply and supplement with another one. This is perfect for children’s closets so you can adjust the shelves and hanging spaces as they grow to fit the heights that they can reach, as well as the needs of their belongings. Another pro is that it’s super easy to adjust and take apart if necessary. 

Take it With You

If you’re hesitant to install a closet because your home is not forever, that’s not a problem. Once the system is installed it can easily be disassembled and moved wherever you go. Another option is to have the entire system be free-standing instead of installed onto a wall. That way there’s zero wall damage to worry about. Speaking of damage…

Little Damage 

What a lot of people don’t realize is that Elfa is a track-based system. What does that mean? The entire system hangs from metal standards on a singular track. To break that down further, the only holes that are being made in the wall during installation are that of the horizontal standard at the very top. Isn’t that awesome?


When you compare the Elfa systems durability to that of Closet Maid or other cheaper options, you don’t have the same durability and strength as the Elfa system. It’s common that before we install Elfa, we’re working with a bowed metal option that looks like it’s about to collapse right before our eyes. Invest in quality that will last you a lifetime.

Budget-friendly Options 

If you’re still interested, but are on a budget there are a few ways to reduce the price. The first one is to consider ventilated shelving over décor shelving. That can make a huge difference right off the bat along with reducing the number of moving components like drawers and gliding shoe shelves (although if you need these components to maximize your usability then this isn’t the place to skimp). Another option is to DIY install. You can save a significant amount of money if you or someone you know is handy and can put the system together themselves. Lastly, take advantage of their many sales throughout the year, like RIGHT NOW!

How can we help?

If you’re thinking of investing in a new closet system, we highly recommend Elfa. We’ve helped create the closets and spaces of so many clients dreams using Elfa (think bedroom, pantry, garage, basement, office, kitchen, bathroom, playroom, basically any room you can think of, we’ve installed it there) . We’ll take a detailed inventory of what you have and maximize the heck out of your space. We’ll then create the design and once you approve it, have it installed and organized to a T with your belongings. That’s what makes us the closet queens!


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