How to Organize Your Holiday Cards
Congratulations, you survived the holidays! It can take a few weeks to settle back into a routine after the craziness of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Years, and all of the other winter celebrations that we enjoy with our loved ones. And once you finally have your decorations put away, gifts are put to use, and your in-laws are blissfully out of your space, there is one last organizing hurdle: holiday cards.

Gift Wrapping Tips and Everything You’ll Need
The holiday season is in full force and it’s time to start practicing (or beginning!) your gift wrapping! For some this might seem like a daunting task, but let us provide you with some tips and tricks to make it a fun part of your holiday celebrating!

Back to School Organizing
It’s the mid- September so you know what that means…time for back to school organizing! It’s important to get your organizing systems and routines set up early in the year so you set your family (and yourself!) up for a successful school year. Keep reading to find out our favorite ways to start your year off on the right foot!

When You’re a Minimalist, but Your Partner Isn’t
Hopefully you know your partner pretty well before you get into a committed relationship, and most partners are more similar than dissimilar. Maybe you two recently moved in and their disorganized habits have started to get to you, or maybe these things have really added up over the years. Regardless, we work with couples all the time to help them get on the same page about getting organized. If you’re a minimalist and your partner is not, this post is for you!

How to Get Rid of Sentimental Clutter
I’ve always been a pack-rat. A few years ago, while I was home during a school break, I found a box with all of my old letters – including every valentine that I received during all of elementary school. I can’t even remember if I ended up recycling them! Clearly, getting rid of sentimental clutter is not natural for me.