How to Organize Your Calendar
Whether you are dedicated to digital or holding onto your paper planner, a calendar has enormous potential to help you stay organized. I have been a religious user of both physical and digital calendars and to-do lists for my whole life – they are absolutely essential to my productivity and sanity while trying to juggle everything. Being organized is not something innate to one’s personality, but rather the result of effective implementation of systems that help you solve the problems in your life.

Organize Your Workday with Time Blocking
As we head into New England’s second winter, AKA March, you might be searching for an extra boost of motivation and productivity. With days still feeling dark and cold, it can be easy to feel like you’re in a rut. Looking for a better way to organize your time? Try time blocking! This is the method of dedicating scheduled blocks of time, whether it’s hours of deep work or fifteen-minute (necessary!) breaks, in advance to increase productivity.