Ditch & Donate Challenge: Part 2
If you’re reading this, you’ve made it to part two of our Ditch & Donate Challenge. Congrats! Reminder, we’re challenging you to let go of one item per day. Just ONE per day. You can purge more per category each day, but we're starting with letting go of 14 items total. Hopefully, you'll gain momentum and feel inspired to keep going. If nothing else, your house will have 14 fewer items in it. Guess what - that's still a win!

Ditch & Donate Challenge: Part 1
Does organizing your entire home feel too daunting? Feel like you need a whole weekend to make progress? Sick of staring at clutter?
This challenge is for you.
Over the next two weeks, we challenge you to let go of one item per day. Just ONE per day. You can purge more per category each day, but we're starting with letting go of 14 items total. Hopefully, you'll gain momentum and feel inspired to keep going. If nothing else, your house will have 14 fewer items in it. Guess what - that's still a win!

Moving Kits: Everything You Need to do for a Successful Move
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed about your upcoming move? House on the market and ready to read about next steps? Even if you’re staying put, you’ll always have friends who need your help moving. Our kit below goes over everything to be ready to go come move day!

How To Organize Your Memorabilia
Out of everything we organize, from kids’ tiny toys to large dusty garage tools, memorabilia is one of the biggest challenges we face with our clients. Memories pile up over the years, but we’re here to remind you that your memories don’t live in bins in your basement. Follow these tips when you’re ready to tackle your sentimental items; we promise they will help!