How To Organize Your Spices
Organizing Kirby Smith Organizing Kirby Smith

How To Organize Your Spices

When we asked where you guys could use a little guidance, we had an overwhelming response of "my spice cabinet" which makes sense as many people are at home cooking much more than normal. Keep reading below so you can make the most of your favorite comfort meals with an organized spice drawer or cabinet.

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How To Organize Your Work Life
Digital Organizing, Organizing Guest User Digital Organizing, Organizing Guest User

How To Organize Your Work Life

It’s never abnormal while organizing someone’s home that they make a quick, but telling statement regarding their office. It might take only a session or two until we hear 5 sweet words: you should see my office. To some this might mean that their office is completely organized to a T which does not reflect their disorganized home, while to many others it means the opposite. Know that if you have a disorganized office/desk space you’re not alone. Interested in finding out ways to help maximize your day and get rid of visual clutter? Keep reading below.

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Our Favorite Ways To Use An Over-the-Door Elfa Rack

Our Favorite Ways To Use An Over-the-Door Elfa Rack

The Elfa Over The Door organizing solutions are perfect for using every inch of space! They maximize the vertical space behind an otherwise wasted back of the door, and can be customized hundreds of ways for your specific storage needs. They can be mounted directly into a solid door, or can hang over most residential and commercial doors with no extra hardware needed. The vertical standards come in the most common door sizes, and can be cut for any non-standard size. From there pick your baskets, hooks and bins- time to get organized! Here are some of our favorite ways to use the Elfa door solutions.

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How To Organize Your Jewelry
Closet Design, Organizing Kirby Smith Closet Design, Organizing Kirby Smith

How To Organize Your Jewelry

When it comes to jewelry, some of us can become… a collector. Our jewelry collections are a reflection of our fashion, our personality, and some of our most sentimental moments in life.  Sadly, often times our jewelry can start to look like a disorganized junk drawer. You may find yourself wearing the same two easy to grab pieces all the time, or always hunting down the second matching earring. Organizing your jewelry can be one of the most rewarding projects! Here are some of our best tips to organize, maintain and most importantly enjoy your jewelry collection. 

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How To Store Your Holiday Decor
Holiday Decorating, Organizing Guest User Holiday Decorating, Organizing Guest User

How To Store Your Holiday Decor

The holidays are over, sigh…but what better way to prepare for next years holiday season than put your décor away in an organized fashion?! Now is the perfect time to organize your holiday décor since it is already out. Dealing with it now is one less step rather than hauling it out of the attic in the middle of the summer (but if you’re reading this during the summer and are feeling the urge to get your holiday items organized, GO FOR IT!). Read below to see the best ways to put away your holly jolly decorations. 

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How To Get Digitally Organized
Digital Organizing Guest User Digital Organizing Guest User

How To Get Digitally Organized

Happy New Year Deeters! Welcome to 2020! As we enter this new decade, many of us reflect on the past 10 years. A handful of people are still processing how much technology has taken over our lives and are feeling overwhelmed by it. Although the idea of getting digitally organized may scare some of you, it’s time to face reality wrangle your digital clutter!

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Our Favorite Products Of 2019
Organizing Guest User Organizing Guest User

Our Favorite Products Of 2019

We are closing the end of the year with our favorite products! In case you missed it, our studio has been open for almost TWO years! As you start to ponder what to get your loved ones for the holidays, be sure to check out our studio for our favorite products, some of which are included below.

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How To Organize Your Pantry
Organizing Mia Salmo Organizing Mia Salmo

How To Organize Your Pantry

One of the most commonly used spaces within a home is your pantry. With that being said, they can become the quickest space to unravel. This blog is going to focus on how to get your pantry organized including our favorite products to help us do so.

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How To Plan Your Halloween Party
Holiday Decorating, Organizing Mia Salmo Holiday Decorating, Organizing Mia Salmo

How To Plan Your Halloween Party

Greetings ghouls and goblins! As you’ve probably noticed, Halloween decorations crept onto the shelves once the back-to-school ads came on the television. Although it may have seemed excessive then, now is the best time to start prepping for your Halloween party if you haven’t already. Why? Because often times Halloween sneaks up on us as the school year frenzy begins and before we know it it’s the night before Halloween and you’re stuck with slim pickings at Party City. Trust us, we’ve unfortunately been there. Now let's help you get this monster mash underway!

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How To Transition Your Wardrobe From Summer to Fall
Organizing Mia Salmo Organizing Mia Salmo

How To Transition Your Wardrobe From Summer to Fall

As we all succumb to reality, the temperatures are dropping and it’s time to say goodbye to our summer wardrobe (for now). One of my favorite activities to do twice a year is switch over my closet in between seasons (shocking, I know). Clearing out your closet will help streamline your daily wardrobe by having only what’s in season in front of you and not having excess clothing taking up space. It's also a great opportunity to take stock of what you have and pair down what you no longer want. If you haven’t already transitioned your closet, here are a few tips on how to do it!

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Tips, Tricks And Hacks For Renters
Move Management, Organizing Mia Salmo Move Management, Organizing Mia Salmo

Tips, Tricks And Hacks For Renters

If you asked the average Bostonian to describe the scene in Boston on September 1st, most would describe it as a nightmare. For those of you who don’t know, the most common rental period in Boston begins September 1st. That’s why there were what seemed like thousands of UHaul’s taking over the streets last week. Now that your move is done, the unpacking begins! Although you may not own the space, that’s no excuse to not make it your own. This blog is all about rental hacks so you can keep that security deposit and make your house feel like home.

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How To Organize Your Shoes
Organizing Mia Salmo Organizing Mia Salmo

How To Organize Your Shoes

No matter who you are, shoes can quickly add up and end up in the wrong places. Not having them organized can also cause you to waste time in the morning when you’re trying to get yourself (and perhaps others) out the door and you can’t find the matching pair. Take notes with this blog on how to pair down (no pun intended!) and keep your shoes in check!

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How To Organize Your Laundry Room
Organizing Mia Salmo Organizing Mia Salmo

How To Organize Your Laundry Room

As the saying goes, “if you’re lucky enough to have _______, you’re lucky enough.” In this case, if you’re lucky enough to have a laundry room, you’re lucky enough. With that being said, if your laundry room is more of a headache than a haven, we need to reassess what’s working and what isn’t. Read below to find out ways to keep your laundry room organized including recommended products that we love best for the space.

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Backpacking Like A Pro
Organizing Mia Salmo Organizing Mia Salmo

Backpacking Like A Pro

At The Little Details, we believe that organizing helps you make better use of your time so that you have more time to do the things that you enjoy, and ultimately, improving your life. Traveling is no exception. Even a low-key, low-budget, minimalist backpacking trek requires some organizing beforehand. We can help you avoid overpacking like Reese Witherspoon in Wild so you can make the most of your travels instead of spending more time searching your bags for misplaced items.

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How To Organize Your Spices
Organizing Stasia Steele Organizing Stasia Steele

How To Organize Your Spices

It’s BBQ season! What does this make me think of? Spices, spices and more spices. There are endless ways that your spices can be organized. What it comes down to is the storage space that you have to contain your spices in and how many spices you have. Now, let's spice it up!

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