Meet The Little Details Team
Happy Sunday, everyone! Whether you've worked with some of our team or all of our team, we think it's been a while since we've shared a bit about everyone. Plus, we've added some new faces who are absolutely amazing! We can't thank our community enough for allowing us to continue to grow our team. Keep reading for some fun tidbits about each of us.
Stasia is the fun, energetic, and determined founder and CEO behind The Little Details. She created TLD in 2011 to help individuals and families simplify their lives.
Her specialties are designing closets, working with small businesses to create efficient workspaces as well as digital organizing.
Personality Type: MBT ENTJ, Enneagram 8 – The Challenger: self-confident, decisive
One item on her bucket list: Ski in Switzerland
Ideal Saturday: Relaxing at her lake house in Maine with her family
Mia is the definition of an Enneagram 2, the helper! She is our go-to girl when any team member has a question, especially since she’s been with TLD the longest. She tends to work one-on-one with clients to help them achieve their long-term goals. Her favorite things to organize are paper and clothing, but it’s tough to pick a favorite.
Personality Type: MBTI ESFJ, Enneagram 2 – The Helper: caring, generous, interpersonal
Fun fact: She’s been with TLD for almost 7 years!
What she would be if she wasn’t an organizer: an E! News Reporter
If you know Kirby, you know she is truly one of a kind! Her stubbornly independent, can-do attitude paired with her never-ending energy are some of the many reasons clients love her. She is a Container Store know-it-all (in the best way possible!), enjoys designing and implementing creative solutions, and rocks move jobs. She is always dirty after a day of organizing – even in the cleanest home- because of her dedication and determination to her work.
Personality Type: MBTI ISFJ, Enneagram 6 – The Loyalist: engaging, responsible, committed
Her dog’s name: Rocket
If she could move her friends, family, and job anywhere: The countryside of France
Winnie has a reputation of being the sweetest on the team but don’t be fooled, she loves to box outside of work! Her specialties are organizing anything kid-related: toys, baby clothes, and her favorite being, books. We are lucky enough that Kirby convinced her to leave The Container Store to join our team and help us design and build amazing closets!
Personality type: MBTI INFJ, Enneagram 2 – The Helper: caring, generous, interpersonal
Fun fact: She worked right up until a few hours before she had her first-born child, Ethan!
One item from her bucket list: Ride in a hot air balloon
As our resident stylist, Marisa works absolute magic in any closet. She is available for an honest and informed evaluation of your clothing, footwear, and accessories to provide your personal style with a boost and to ensure that your closet re-org and design will be in service to the best version of your wardrobe. She’s also fantastic and speedy at creating order in any space in your home. Her attention to detail and execution is nothing short of perfection.
Personality type: MBTI INTJ, Enneagram 6 – The Loyalist: engaging, responsible, committed
Favorite ice cream flavor: Coffee Oreo
What she wanted to be when she was younger: a professional athlete
Kara is likely the person you’re interacting with on our social media channels! She loves the behind-the-scenes of the organizing process and appreciates how chaotic things really need to get before it’s tied together for the perfect ‘after’ photo. Her favorite space to organize is a satisfying junk drawer, but anything involving script labels and creativity are her jam.
Personality type: MBTI ISFJ, Enneagram 1 – The Reformer: rational, principled, purposeful, perfectionistic
Fun fact: Her yearbook superlative was “most organized”
Dream vacation spot: Croatia
Although Haley is our newest team member, she has quickly added so much value to the team. Her handy(wo)man skills paired with her love for digital organizing offer a lot of assistance to our clients. Her favorite part of the organizing process is problem-solving with clients by setting up lasting systems to maintain their goals. So far, we’re convinced there is nothing she can’t do!
Personality type: MBTI ENFJ, Enneagram 7- The Enthusiast: fun loving, spontaneous, versatile
If she could move her friends, family, and job anywhere: She’d stay here! Or Portland, Maine
What she wanted to be when she was younger: Robotics Engineer
Let us know what members of our team you have worked with or who you’re excited to get to know more of. We love seeing our personality types in a list like this showing how similar (notice how everyone ends with a “J” – AKA organized!?) and how different we are from each other. Want to know what your Enneagram or Myers-Briggs results are? Follow those links to take some free tests and tell us on Instagram!