How to Plan the Perfect Vacation
So you’ve picked the place, booked your flights and hotel, and you’re counting down the days until your vacation. Hooray! Now what? As dreamy as vacations are, they can be overwhelming and stressful to plan. I went on a 10-day California road trip last year and used a new strategy to plan our days that I can’t imagine not using going forward. It was the perfect planned but not so planned harmony! I’m sharing my step-by-step guide on how to plan the perfect vacation, especially if it’s somewhere you haven’t been to.

How to Organize Your Paperwork
Paper is one of those things in your home or business that you typically keep for the “just in case you need it” moments. When paper is left unattended, it piles up quickly before you even realize and most often, you can never find it when the time comes. If this sounds like you, don’t sweat. Here are some tips for organizing your documents.

How to Purge: Tips for Letting Go
Happy New Year! We all know what that means, time for New Year’s resolutions! Sigh… It’s been said time and time again that resolutions rarely stick, however, rather than thinking of organizing as a New Year’s resolution, think of this time as an opportunity to go through your things and pare down. While this task might sound easier said than done, we’re here to help with some tips on letting things go. You must start somewhere!

How to Organize Your Garage
The summertime is the perfect time to organize your garage! You’re probably using most of what is housed in the garage during the summer so why not make it all super accessible? There are multiple phases when it comes to organizing any space, but for some reason the garage always seems more daunting. Let us break it down for you so you can get to organizing!

Meet The Little Details Team
Happy Sunday, everyone! Whether you've worked with some of our team or all of our team, we think it's been a while since we've shared a bit about everyone. Plus, we've added some new faces who are absolutely amazing! We can't thank our community enough for allowing us to continue to grow our team.

Our Favorite Organizing Products
Today we’re giving you all the deets on what everyone wants to know: What are our favorite organizing products? Although we fully believe a lot goes into product recommendation (you know the drill-sort, purge, assign, THEN contain), some things can’t be beat! Measuring your space is an important step, too. This blog post is not sponsored, but most recommendations are from The Container Store.

Grocery Shop Like a Professional Organizer
Not much makes me happier than strolling into Trader Joe’s at 8am on a Sunday morning. There’s plenty of parking, clear aisles, and every piece of produce and canned good is lined up in its just right position. If you can relate to this happy feeling, read on! Today I’m sharing how I like to grocery shop as a professional organizer.

Ditch & Donate Challenge: Part 2
If you’re reading this, you’ve made it to part two of our Ditch & Donate Challenge. Congrats! Reminder, we’re challenging you to let go of one item per day. Just ONE per day. You can purge more per category each day, but we're starting with letting go of 14 items total. Hopefully, you'll gain momentum and feel inspired to keep going. If nothing else, your house will have 14 fewer items in it. Guess what - that's still a win!

Ditch & Donate Challenge: Part 1
Does organizing your entire home feel too daunting? Feel like you need a whole weekend to make progress? Sick of staring at clutter?
This challenge is for you.
Over the next two weeks, we challenge you to let go of one item per day. Just ONE per day. You can purge more per category each day, but we're starting with letting go of 14 items total. Hopefully, you'll gain momentum and feel inspired to keep going. If nothing else, your house will have 14 fewer items in it. Guess what - that's still a win!

Laundry Room Organization
Does anyone else’s laundry room look like a mini tornado? Okay, a full-blown tornado? Maybe you’ve decided to shut the door and worry about more important things. Unfortunately, the time always comes around where you need to tackle laundry day. It can definitely be overwhelming, but with an organized space and a touch of decor, it can be a breeze.