How to Organize Your Paperwork
Paper is one of those things in your home or business that you typically keep for the “just in case you need it” moments. When paper is left unattended, it piles up quickly before you even realize and most often, you can never find it when the time comes. If this sounds like you, don’t sweat. Here are some tips for organizing your documents.

Best Practices for Putting Together Furniture
Whether you’re moving, experiencing a major life change, or are ready for something fresh in your space, purchasing new furniture can be stressful. These days there is an enormous volume of budget and style-friend furniture available from a variety of vendors, but they come with an additional cost: you often have to do the assembly yourself. Items from IKEA, Amazon, Wayfair, and other low cost merchandisers require time and patience to properly assemble, but there are ways to do it right!

5 Tips to Downsize with Ease
The spring is here which means the housing market is about to heat up! Whether you’re in the process of downsizing or are planning on downsizing in the next 5 years, downsizing is an overwhelming process. Oftentimes it’s an accumulation of many years worth of items and memories. Read along to see our top tips for a smooth transition into your next home.

Organize Your Workday with Time Blocking
As we head into New England’s second winter, AKA March, you might be searching for an extra boost of motivation and productivity. With days still feeling dark and cold, it can be easy to feel like you’re in a rut. Looking for a better way to organize your time? Try time blocking! This is the method of dedicating scheduled blocks of time, whether it’s hours of deep work or fifteen-minute (necessary!) breaks, in advance to increase productivity.

Grocery Shop Like a Professional Organizer
Not much makes me happier than strolling into Trader Joe’s at 8am on a Sunday morning. There’s plenty of parking, clear aisles, and every piece of produce and canned good is lined up in its just right position. If you can relate to this happy feeling, read on! Today I’m sharing how I like to grocery shop as a professional organizer.

How To Organize Your Cleaning Supplies
Whether or not you clean your own home, keep life simple by organizing your cleaning supplies. There’s nothing worse than a sudden mess and no supplies in sight! Read below on how you can have your cleaning supplies ready to grab and go at a moment’s notice.

How to Organize Your Underwear Drawer
Happy Fall! As the cooler weather starts to set in and you’re thinking about switching over your summer wardrobe to fall, add your underwear drawer to the to-do list!

5 Tips for Creating an Organized Entryway
September is a great time to fall back into a routine. Things get crazy and carefree over the summer, so restoring a bit of chaos is always a good feeling as summer winds down and routines pick up again. A place we always love to start organizing in a home is the entryway. It is a high-traffic area; everyone in the family passes through multiple times a day. It can easily become a drop-zone, turned into a pile, turned into… a mess. Let’s get you organized and make your entryway feel welcoming!

5 Tips for Organizing Small Spaces
If you live in the Boston/Cambridge area, you’ve likely lived in some small or awkwardly-designed spaces. If you’ve rented in the area, you definitely have. I currently live on the third floor of a three-family home, AKA in an attic. It’s honestly the perfect size for me, but it certainly came with some challenges to make it feel cozy and clutter-free. If you relate, read on for my best tips on how to tackle organizing small spaces.

How To Pack A Cooler
Are you dreaming of a beach day? Contemplating a long hike, or planning a camping trip? Stay fueled and hydrated and pack up your cooler with your favorite treats. But don’t just throw everything in a thermal bag as you are rushing out the door! Here are our favorite tips for creating an organized cooler for your fun summer trips.

How To Organize Your Party Supplies
I’m sure we’ve all been guilty at different times of having a ton of leftover party supplies. I’m talking themed plates, banners, balloons, colorful plasticware, the infamous party hat (does anyone ACTUALLY look good in those?). While “there’s always next year” now is the time to crack down on what you have and be realistic in what you’re keeping. Let’s break it down here.

Moving Kits: Everything You Need to do for a Successful Move
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed about your upcoming move? House on the market and ready to read about next steps? Even if you’re staying put, you’ll always have friends who need your help moving. Our kit below goes over everything to be ready to go come move day!

Whoa Baby! How To Plan A Baby Shower
As we approach Mother’s Day we think about all of our Moms and the Mama’s-To-Be. If you know someone that is getting close to their due date or even months out, then you’re in luck. Today’s blog post is all about how to plan and organize the best baby shower.

How To Organize Your TV Console
One zone of the house that can often become undone is the TV console. This area may be frequently used and because of that the mindset could be “why put everything away if I’m going to revisit it again tomorrow.” Unfortunately that can lead to the area become more and more disorganized, with a bigger clean up rather than consistently putting the area back together after each use. Want to find out ways you can organize your console? Keep reading.

How To Organize Your Hair Accessories
As many of us know, it’s easy for your hair accessories to look as out of control as when we haven’t washed our hair in a few days…perhaps worse. If you look at Pinterest, you can find a ton of DIY activities to help organize your bows, headbands, curling irons, etc. Here are some suggestions that we have for you!

How to Fall in Love with Organizing: Valentine’s Day Edition
Valentines Day is approaching and whether you’re single or not, now is a great time to fall in love- with organizing! We’re a month into our New Years resolutions and if organizing is on your list, let’s keep it a priority! They say it takes 30 days to turn something into a habit, so why not start now. Let us help you!

It’s Time to G.O.: How to Get Organized for the New Year
January is Get Organized month. A new year with new goals; it’s fun to get inspired and write your resolutions out in a new journal: this year you want to get your home and your life the way you want it- organized! Stress-and-clutter-free. Goals can become extremely overwhelming, too. Read on for our favorite ways to help you start and stick to your organizing goals.

5 Areas You Can Organize In A Jiffy
Organizing is a domino effect. Once you start organizing one area, you can easily get suckered into doing more. Although that is one thing we love about organizing, some areas of the house can take days, weeks or even months to get done. Sometimes you only have a small window of time, but are in the mood to be productive and tackle a small area. We’re going to give you some tips and suggestions on where those areas are and how to start!

How to Create a Gift Wrapping Station
Welcome to the most wonderful time of the year! With Thanksgiving behind us, the holidays are right around the corner. As you prepare for gift giving this holiday season, let’s make sure that you have your gift wrapping station in order to do so.

How to Create A Craft Station
Looking for the next fun organization project? One great way to get organized is to create your own craft station. Oftentimes our projects like our gift wrapping and knitting end up on the top shelf of our closets. You may find yourself forgetting what projects you haven’t finished, or forgetting what you already have, and over purchasing more than what you need. Designating one space in the home for your crafts will keep you organized and encourage your craft work!